Urban Waterway Management
Core Services and Capabilities
Urban Waterway Management Projects
Armstrong Creek Desilt (2020-2021)
Project: Investigation of weir draw-down and flushing as a possible solution to export deposited reservoir sediments
Client: Melbourne Water
Nepean River Hydraulic Modelling and Environmental Impact Statement Assessment (2020-2021)
Project: Demonstration and quantification of implications arising from changes to effluent flow disposal from South Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant on South Creek, with specific reference to hydrological and geomorphic obligations under NSW Environmental Impact Statement guidelines.
Client: Sydney WaterNepean River Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Disposal EIS Assessment (2020-2021)
Project: Hydrologic assessment of proposed waste water treatment plant effluent disposal into Nepean River with consideration of EIS requirements.
Client: Sydney WaterKororoit Creek Geomorphology (2020)
Project: Investigation into likely trajectory of geomorphic change in Kororoit Creek with consideration of wetland assets
Client: Austral Research and ConsultingNepean River Discharge Assessment (2020)
Project: Hydraulic modelling and quantification of impacts from proposed changes to flows on the Warragamba and Nepean Rivers from the South Creek Reverse Osmosis Plant.
Client: Melbourne WaterSouth Creek Economics Assessment (2020)
Project: Investigation of economic implications to waterways associated with changes to land use and disposal of effluent flows from South Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Client: Sydney WaterBlacktown City Council Works Prioritisation (2020)
Project: Strategic prioritisation of proposed council waterway projects based on likely impact to a range of value-driven metrics.Client: Wave Consulting (For Blacktown City Council)
Naturalisation of Tarralla Creek, Croydon (2020)
Project: Geomorphic and ecohydraulic specialist input to the conceptual and functional development of a 2km reach of channel naturalisation in an urban setting.
Client: Melbourne Water (Sub-consultant to GHD)Melbourne Water Field Measures Protocol (2020)
Project: Development of user-friendly field assessment method for undertaking geomorphic surveys linked to waterway values.
Client: Melbourne WaterDiamond Creek Platypus Habitat (with Australian Platypus Conservancy) (2020)
Project: Combined desktop and field assessment of platypus habitat condition and trajectory with a focus on waterway physical form within Diamond Creek.Client: Ecology Australia (For Melbourne Water)
Urban Streamflow Impact Assessment (USIA) Application (2018 - 2019)
Project: Applying the USIA method throughout the South Creek catchment to investigate potential future impacts to socio-ecological systems which may be triggered by altered catchment hydrology due to urbanisation.
Client: Sydney Water, NSWPhysical Form Asset Management Framework - Melbourne Water Region (2019)
Project: Development of a spatially-explicit framework that outlines physical condition, likely geomorphic trajectories and appropriate management scenarios to improve strategic management for 8000km of linear waterway assets.
Client: Melbourne WaterWaterway Risk Assessment, Aviators Field, Melbourne (2019)
Project: Inform the development of drainage schemes for the Werribee Junction Precinct Structure Plan (PSP).Client: Melbourne Water
Waterway corridor width assessment (2019)
Project: Undertaking soil sampling, literature review into social, geomorphic and ecological considerations of water corridor width for two new housing developments on the outskirts of Melbourne.
Client: Beveridge Balcon.Landscape Management Plan (2019)
Project: Providing guidance to the Alpine Shire council for the development of a Landscape Management Plan, detailing requirements to ensure the longevity of the new constructed waterway, and recommendations to ensure apt flood control to the new housing developments.
Client: Alpine Shire CouncilWaterway Corridor Width Assessments - Beveridge (2019)
Project: Utilizing geomorphic and hydrologic assessments to inform best practice waterway corridor widths to ensure apt flood control to new housing developments on Melbourne’s outskirts.
Client: Land Development Engineering, VIC.Western Sydney Regional Master Plan Waterway Assessment - South Creek Case Studies (2017 - 2018)
Project: Development of a method for Urban Streamflow Impact Assessment (USIA), relating urban development scenarios to stormwater controls and waterway values lost. Application to the South Creek catchment, Sydney (with CTEnvironmental).
Client: Sydney Water, NSW.Impacts of Sediment Liberation from Weirs on Waterway Functioning (2017)
Project: Monitoring pre and post-weir opening to determine the geomorphic and ecological effects (with the Centre for Aquatic Pollution Identification and Management).
Client: Melbourne Water, VIC.Key Performance Indicators for Waterway Works (2018)
Project: Development of a framework for assessing performance of waterway works.
Client: Melbourne Water (Sub-consultant to GHD), VIC.Development of Guidelines for Waterway Management (2018)
Project: Development of a decision tool for assessment and application of waterway works for the State of Queensland.
Client: Queensland, Department of Natural Resources and Mines (Sub-consultant to Water Technology), QLD.Conceptual Design for Box Creek (2018)
Project: Development of a conceptual design for a boulder bed creek through a planned development near Wollongong.
Client: Ecoplanning, NSW.Investigation into the Effects of Channel Obstructions on Flooding (2017)
Project: Technical oversight and community engagement for hydraulic modelling and flood issues associated with an anabranch of the Ovens River, Myrtleford, VIC.
Client: Alpine Shire Council, VIC.Small Creek Channel and Naturalisation (2017)
Project: Geomorphic input to the inception of a plan for an urban creek naturalisation (National Landscape Award for Land Management, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects; Finalist, River Basin Management Society Awards)
Client: Ipswich City Council (Sub-consultant to Bligh Tanner), QLD.Marsden Park Industrial Precinct Little Creek Catchment Alternate Stormwater Management Strategy (2016)
Project: Assessment of catchment and receiving waterway condition and development of recommendations and options for managing stormwater to reduce urban impacts.
Client: Blacktown City Council, Sydney, NSW.Constructed Waterways in New Developments: Design Manual (2014)
Project: Review of the Constructed Waterways in New Developments: Design Manual.
Client: Melbourne Water.Development of a discussion paper for management of urban stream Physical Form (2010)
Project: Provision of expert geomorphic advice for the development of a strategy and discussion paper for streams under Melbourne Water’s management.
Client: Melbourne Water.Key ecosystem functions and their environmental water requirements – for the Murray Darling Basin (2009)
Project: Responsible for the geomorphic categorisation of the Basin to take into consideration key ecosystem functions in all stream types.
Client: Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. Murray Darling Basin Authority.Fluvial geomorphology of the Lower Yarra River between Dights Falls and Victoria St Bridge (2008)
Project: Investigation of channel change and key geomorphic processes in the lower Yarra River to identify historic and future trajectories of channel change. Knowledge used to inform reach-scale strategic bank management.
Client: Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. , Melbourne Water.Investigation and Concept Design for the Lower Yarra River Bank Treatment Renewal Strategy (2008)
Project: Identification of the form and condition of bank assets along the lower Yarra River (downstream Dights Falls) and recommendations for alternative treatments for the ongoing structural, geomorphic and environmental maintenance of the channel.
Client: Melbourne Water.Geomorphic investigation – Preliminary environmental and cultural assessment for Cowes East development services scheme (2007)
Project: Assessment of geomorphic values and condition of waterways and the potential impacts associated with increasing development in the catchment. Including recommendations for activities to ameliorate impacts.
Client: Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. Geomorphologist, , Report prepared for Melbourne Water in conjunction with Biosis.Ongoing Management Plan for ‘The Sands’ Torquay (2004)
Project: Provision of geomorphic impact assessment for development of environmental monitoring strategy for a housing development/golf course complex constructed on sensitive Coastline, Saltmarsh and Woodland.
Client: Mirvac.Olinda Creek Waterway Rehabilitation Project (2002)
Project: Responsible for management of all aspects of the rehabilitation of a 1km reach of Olinda Creek in the centre of Lilydale. Designer, geomorphologist and hydraulic modeller (HEC RAS) for the waterway rehabilitation strategy and design.
Client: Melbourne Water.Koonung Creek Waterway Rehabilitation (2002)
Project: Project management, investigation, design and project delivery for the complete rehabilitation of a reach of Koonung Creek, Doncaster East. Design aspects include 12D and HEC RAS modelling.
Client: Melbourne Water.Wombarra NSW Drainage Project (1999-2000)
Project: Acting for the Superintendent’s Representative. Responsible for quality assurance and supervision for numerous aspects of the project including concrete and shotcrete works, sensitive beach outlet landscape works, excavation works, revegetation, and monitoring of water quality and noise pollution. Considerable involvement in contractual aspects including non-conformances, design inadequacies, delay claims and payment discrepancies.
Client: Secondment to SMEC SydneyEnvironmental assessments for the Municipal Development Fund, Georgia (based in Tbilisi, Georgia) (1999)
Project: Responsible for environmental assessments of proposed water supply and sanitation projects in the four largest cities in Georgia.
Client: World Bank.