Management of Wetlands, Lakes & Estuaries
Current and Completed Projects
Current Wetlands, Lakes and Estuaries Projects
Completed Wetlands, Lakes and Estuaries Projects
Waterway Drought Refuge Management Planning (2021)
Project: Feasibility and benefit assessment for managing a series of drought refuge pools with piped water supply during extended periods of disconnection.
Client: Wimmera CMAVisitor experience planning and management of environmental flow wetland sites (2020)
Project: Flood modelling and GIS based assessment of assets impacted by environmental flows to wetlands in the Mildura/Robinvale area (Collaboration with InTrinsic Scope)
Client: Parks VictoriaFlow retention for ecosystem services and the influence of flow - Environmental Watering Key Requirements (2017 - 2019)
Project: Development of a desktop and field-based approach to assessing flow retention relative to discharge to inform ecosystem functioning
Client: Charles Sturt University, NSW.Lower Goulburn River Inter-Valley Transfer Assessment (2017 - 2019)
Project: Assessment and evaluation of approaches to optimising IVTs flow deliveries with least impact/greatest benefit for ecosystem functioning
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (Cottingham and Associates), VIC.Benefits of decommissioning Nicholson Dam (2018)
Project: Determining the social, ecological, geomorphic and economic benefits of the removal of an on-line, former water-supply dam
Client: Gippsland Water (Sub-Consultant toJenni Hale, Ecological Consulting), VIC.Ecosystem Processes and Functions for Long Term Water Plans (2017)
Project: Technical input to the development of strategic water plans for NSW that recognise physical and ecological linkages
Client: NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW.Wetland Inundation Assessment, Lower Goulburn Wetlands (2017)
Project: Assessment of the relationship between river flow and wetland inundation and values
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, VIC.Lake Innes Environmental Assessment – Geomorphology, Draft for Public Exhibition (2013)
Project: A report assessing the geomorphic attributes and condition of Lake Innes, NSW, and consideration of impacts of closure on both the Lake and estuarine system.
Client: Jennifer Hale, Aquatic Ecology Consultant, for the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority.Investigation and conceptual design for the rehabilitation of Harrison Creek, Mallocoota (2008)
Project: Scoping study and functional design of the sediment management and rehabilitation strategy for Harrison Creek and the near-pristine estuary at Mallocoota Inlet.
Client: Methodist Ladies College.Mulcra Horseshoe Lagoon Watering, Plans River Murray (2008)
Project: Investigation into options for structural works to improve the watering regime.
Client: Mallee Catchment Management Authority.Conceptual design for water management options on Wallpolla and Mulcra Islands (2008)
Project: Investigation into the impacts of altered hydraulics, hydrology and sediment regimes in the River Murray anabranches and concept designs for water management.
Client: Mallee Catchment Management Authority.River Murray icon wetland sites specific monitoring program (2004)
Project: Panel member responsible for setting up a monitoring protocol to identify the hydrologic changes resulting from management intervention to improve wetland health (with the Murray Darling Basin Freshwater Research Centre).
Client: Mallee Catchment Management Authority.Investigation into opportunities for introducing improved flooding regimes and management of high value wetlands (for whole of River Murray system) (2001)
Project: A desktop investigation for the Murray Darling Basin Commission identifying opportunities for improved flow regimes for high value wetlands along the River Murray utilising a macro-scale environmental assessment evaluation approach.
Client: Murray Darling Basin Commission.