Urban Waterway Management
Published Works
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Conference Paper: Development and application of the Urban Streamflow Impact Assessment (USIA) to inform stream protection and rehabilitation, in: Proceedings of the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference, 12 – 15 August 2018, Hobart, Tasmania (G. J. Vietz, I. D. Rutherfurd, eds.), pp. 538-545. Vietz, G., Tippler, C., Russell, K., Kermode, S., van der Sterren, M., Fletcher, T., Dean, M., 2018,
Conference Paper: Urban streams and sediments: informing better management through recent findings (G. J. Vietz, I. D. Rutherfurd, eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference, 12 – 15 August 2018, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 608-614, Russell, K. L., Vietz, G. J., Fletcher, T. D., 2018,
Conference Paper: Managing urban streams: change the channel or change the flow? (G. J. Vietz, I. D. Rutherfurd, eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference, 12 – 15 August 2018, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 622-629. Anim, D., Vietz, G., Fletcher, T., Pasternack, g., Burns, M., 2018,
Conference Paper: Big plans for Small Creek - Community co-design for a 1.6km waterway naturalisation project (G. J. Vietz, I. D. Rutherfurd, eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference, 12 – 15 August 2018, Hobart, Tasmania pp. 771-778. Hoban, A., Wright, A., Walker, G., Vietz, G.
Article: Urban sediment supply to streams from hillslope sources, in press, Science of the Total Environment. Russell, K, Vietz, G. J., Fletcher, T. D.
Article: Protecting and managing stream morphology in urban catchments, in: Approaches to water sensitive urban design: Potential, design, ecological health, urban greening, economics, policies and community perceptions (A. Sharma, T. Gardner, D. Begbie, eds.), Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier., pp. 249-267. Vietz, G. J., Hawley, R. J., 2019,
Conference Paper: Evaluating responses to environmental flows using hydraulics: improved ecological realism and transferability among systems. Proceedings of the 12th International Ecohydraulics Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 19-24 August, 2018. Webb, J.A., Vietz, G.J., Koster, W.M., Lintern, A., 2018
Article: Urban catchment runoff increases bedload sediment yield and particle size in stream channels, Anthropocene 23:53-66. Russell, K., Vietz, G., Fletcher, T., 2018,
Article: Global sediment yields from urban and urbanizing watersheds, Earth-Science Reviews 168:73-80. Russell, K., Vietz, G. J., Fletcher, T. D., 2017.
Article: Geomorphological effects of flow alteration on rivers, in: Water for the Environment: From Policy and Science to Implementation and Management (A. Horne, A. Webb, M. Stewardson, B. D. Richter, M. Acreman, eds.), Academic Press, Massachusetts, United States, pp. 736. Vietz, G. J., Finlayson, B. L., 2017.
Article: Incentivising stormwater management in cities and suburbs: Examples from Germany and Opportunities for Australia. Water 3(1): 1-15. Ehrenfried, L., Vietz, G., Whiteoak, K., 2018.
Article: Effects of urbanization on stream hydraulics. Paper River Research and Applications. Anim, D., Fletcher, T., Vietz, G., Pasternack, G., Burns, M.
Article: Addressing the urban stream disturbance regime, Freshwater Science, 35(1), in-press, DOI: 10.1086/684647. Hawley, R. J., Vietz, G. J., 2016.
Article: Thinking outside the channel: Challenges and opportunities for stream morphology protection and restoration in urbanizing catchments, Landscape and Urban Planning 145:34-44, DOI 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.09.004. Vietz, G. J., Rutherfurd, I. D., Fletcher, T. D., Walsh, C. J., 2016.
Article: Urban hydrogeomorphology and the urban stream syndrome: treating the symptoms and causes of geomorphic change, Progress in Physical Geography DOI 10.1177/0309133315605048. Vietz, G. J., Walsh, C. J., Fletcher, T. D., 2015,
Article: Setting stream naturalisation goals to achieve ecosystem improvement in urbanising greenfield catchments, Area – Special Issue, Geography, Urban Geomorphology and Sustainability DOI: 10.1111/area.12181. Sammonds, M. J., Vietz, G. J., 2015.
Conference Paper: Sediment sensitive cities: An investigation of opportunities to better manage sediment in stormwater control measures and urban waterways, in: Proceedings of the 9th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference (Institution of Engineers Australia, ed.), Sydney, Australia. Vietz, G. J., Glaister, B. J., 2015.
Article: Protection of stream ecosystems from urban stormwater runoff; the multiple benefits of an ecohydrological approach, Progress in Physical Geography 38(5):543-555. Fletcher, T. D., Vietz, G. J., Walsh, C. J., 2014.
Conference Paper: The unaccounted costs of conventional urban development: protecting stream systems in an age of urban sprawl, in: Australian Stream Management Conference, Catchments to Coast (G. J. Vietz, I. D. Rutherfurd, R. M. Hughes, eds.), June 30 to July 2, 2014, Townsville, Queensland, pp. 37-44. Vietz, G. J., Rutherfurd, I. D., Walsh, C. J., En Chee, Y., Hatt, B. E., 2014,
Conference Paper: Improving urban stream condition by redirecting sediments: A review of associated contaminants, in: Australian Stream Management conference, Catchments to Coast (G. J. Vietz, I. D. Rutherfurd, R. M. Hughes, eds.), June 30 to July 2, 2014, Townsville, Queensland, pp. 549-557. Houshmand, A., Vietz, G. J., Hatt, B. E., 2014.
Article: Protection of stream ecosystems from urban stormwater runoff; the multiple benefits of an ecohydrological approach, Progress in Physical Geography 38(5):543-555. Fletcher, T. D., Vietz, G. J., Walsh, C. J., 2014.
Article: Ecologically relevant geomorphic attributes of streams are impaired by even low levels of watershed effective imperviousness, Geomorphology 206:67-78, Vietz, G. J., Sammonds, M. J., Walsh, C. J., Fletcher, T. D., Rutherfurd, I. D., Stewardson, M. J., 2014.
Conference Paper: Water(way) sensitive urban design: Addressing the causes of channel degradation through catchment-scale management of water and sediment, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference (Institution of Engineers Australia, ed.), Gold Coast, Australia, 25-29 November, 2013.
Conference Paper: Factors that affect the hydraulic performance of raingardens: Implications for design and maintenance. Facteurs influençant la performance hydraulique des jardins de pluie: implications pour la conception et l’entretien, in: Novatech (F. L. Bertrand-Krajewski, T. D. Fletcher, eds.), Lyon, France, June 23 to 27, 2013, Virahsawmy, H., Stewardson, M. J., Vietz, G. J., Fletcher, T. D., 2013.
Conference Paper: Another reason urban streams are stuffed: geomorphic history, challenges and opportunities, in: J.R. Grove, I.D. Rutherfurd (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Australian Stream Management Conference Canberra, Australia. Vietz, G.J., Stewardson, M.J., Walsh, C.J., Fletcher, T.D., 2012.