Investigations and Assessments
Current and Completed Projects
Streamology helps clients understand geomorphic condition and physical form of waterways to make informed management decisions. Streamology undertakes channel and floodplain functional assessments, including linking change to climatic and land use changes. Streamology applies geomorphic understanding to design environmental flow regimes. We use our expertise and research in geomorphic principles and practices to deliver training, communication and community education programs.
Completed Geomorphic Investigations and Assessments
Armstrong Creek Desilt (2020-2021)
Project: Investigation of weir draw-down and flushing as a possible solution to export deposited reservoir sediments
Client: Melbourne WaterDrone Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program (Goulburn River) (2020-2022)
Project: Harnessing photogrammetry techniques to monitor changes to bank condition on the Goulburn River in response to flow.
Client: University of MelbourneTurf Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program (Goulburn River) (2020-2022)
Project: Employing turf mats to capture seeds to provide insights into the influence of flow on bank vegetation.
Client: University of MelbourneStackey Gully Planning Review (2021)
Project: Review of options for runoff paths and drainage for new housing estate in Bright (NE VIC).
Client: Alpine Shire CouncilBright Fishway Options Review (2021)
Project: Review of feasibility and social amenity of proposed designs for the Bright Fishway.
Client: Alpine Shire CouncilDrone monitoring of Goulburn and Campaspe Rivers (2020-2021)
Project: Harnessing photogrammetry techniques to monitor changes to bank condition on the Goulburn and Campaspe Rivers in response to inter-valley transfer flows.
Client: Department of Environment, Land, Water & PlanningDrone Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program (Edward & Wakool Rivers) (2020-2021)
Project: Harnessing photogrammetry techniques to monitor changes to bank condition on the Edward and Wakool Rivers in response to flow.
Client: Charles Sturt UniversityPost-Bushfire geomorphic assessment of Nariel Creek (2020)
Project: Geomorphic assessment and recommendations for post-bushfire waterway management of Nariel Creek (NE Vic).
Client: North East CMADrone monitoring of cultural sites on Parma Narrows (River Murray) (2020)
Project: Drone monitoring and development of GIS based interactive story telling tool describing cultural significance of Parma Narrows on Yorta Yorta land.
Client: Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal CorporationLower Goulburn River Environmental Flow Study - Expert Panel (2020)
Project: Critical examination of an environmental flow study culminating in possible reassessment to support adaptive management of the river system in the face of uncertainty.
Client: University of MelbourneLower Broken Creek Drone Monitoring (2020-2021)
Project: Investigation into the impact of consistently elevated flows on bank condition on lower Broken Creek using drone imagery and photogrammetric analysis.
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management AuthorityBarmah Choke Sediment Budget (2020)
Project: Quantification of sediment budget for Murray River in the reach associated with the Barmah Choke.
Client: Murray Darling Basin AuthorityKororoit Creek Geomorphology (2020)
Project: Investigation into likely trajectory of geomorphic change in Kororoit Creek with consideration of wetland assets.Client: Austral Research and Consulting
Bunyip Sediment Extraction Investigation (2020)
Project: Investigation into the impact of sediment extraction on the Lower Bunyip River with respect to physical form and overall waterway health.Client: Melbourne Water
Risk Based Assessment (2020)
Project: Development of a set of guidelines for planners to identify the risks associated with land-use activities with consideration of waterway health outcomes in strategic land-use planning decisions.Client: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Flow retention for ecosystem services and the influence of flow - Environmental Watering Key Requirements (2017 - 2020)
Project: Development of a desktop and field-based approach to assessing flow retention relative to discharge to inform ecosystem functioning
Client: Charles Sturt University, NSW.Gravel Bed River Workshop (2020)
Project: Speaking at workshop and providing geomorphic expertise regarding management on gravel bed rivers in Victoria.
Client: Department of Land, Water and Planning.Drone Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program (Campaspe River) (2019-2020)
Project: Harnessing photogrammetry techniques to monitor changes to bank condition on the Campaspe River in response to flow.Client: Goulburn Broken CMA (with support from the University of Melbourne and the Arthur Rylah Institute)
Drone Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program (Edward-Kolety and Wakool Rivers) (2019-2020)
Project: Harnessing photogrammetry techniques to monitor changes to bank condition on the Goulburn River in response to flow.Client: Charles Sturt University
Impacts of Sediment Liberation from Weirs on Waterway Functioning (2017 - 2020)
Project: Monitoring pre and post-weir opening to determine the geomorphic and ecological effects (with the Centre for Aquatic Pollution Identification and Management).Client: Melbourne Water, VIC.
Business Strategy Workshop (2020)
Project: Development of business strategy for regional CMA with respect to achieving maximum geomorphic and waterway goals per funding allocation.
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.Physical Form Assessment of Horshoe Lagoon using Aerial Imagery (2019)
Project: Utilizing drone technology to monitor bank condition on the Goulburn River to determine the influence of flows on physical form.Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.
South Creek geomorphic and ecological assessment of high value waterways (2020)
Project: Evaluation of the accuracy of mapping of high ecological value waterways and to acquire additional geomorphic information through the surveying of key sites within South Creek.
Client: Department of Planning, Industry and EnvironmentNaturalisation of Tarralla Creek, Croydon (2020)
Project: Geomorphic and ecohydraulic specialist input to the conceptual and functional development of a 2km reach of channel naturalisation in an urban setting.Client: Melbourne Water (Sub-consultant to GHD)
Long Term Intervention Monitoring Project, Hydraulic Habitat, Goulburn River (2013 - 2019)
Project: Ongoing monitoring of bank condition and hydraulic habitat (hydraulic modelling) to assess the effectiveness of environmental water deliveries.Client: Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder.
Long Term Intervention Monitoring Project, Physical Habitat, Goulburn River (2013 - 2019)
Project: Ongoing monitoring of bank condition and physical habitat (hydraulic modelling) to assess the effectiveness of environmental water deliveries.
Client: Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder.Physical Form Asset Management Framework - Melbourne Water Region (2019)
Project: Development of a spatially-explicit framework that outlines physical condition, likely geomorphic trajectories and appropriate management scenarios to improve strategic management for 8000km of linear waterway assets.Client: Melbourne Water
Western Sydney Regional Master Plan Waterway Assessment - South Creek Case Studies (2017 - 2019)
Project: Streamology, CTEnvironmental and Sydney Water worked in concert to develop the Urban Streamflow Impact Assessment (USIA), relating urban development scenarios to stormwater controls and waterway values. This was tested in the rapidly developing South Creek catchment.
Client: Sydney Water, NSW.Goulburn Winter Monitoring (2019)
Project: Employing turf mats and erosion pins to gain insights into the influence of winter freshes on bank condition on the Goulburn RIver.
Client: University of Melbourne.Sediment and Seed Monitoring (2019)
Project: Use of synthetic turf mats to represent deposition mechanism where seeds were collected, germinated and identified. These sediments and seeds were linked to particular flow events.
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.Weir Desilting Assessment of Geomorphic Impacts (Starvation Creek)(2019)
Project: Assessment on the impacts of weir pool sediment load changes in response to weir desilting on Starvation creek (Victoria).
Client: RMIT UniversityRiver Operations and Riverbanks Workshop (2019)
Project: Workshop and report detailing the current knowledge, knowledge gaps, and recommendations relating to investigation activities to improve knowledge and management of physical form within the MDB area.
Client: Murray Darling Basin AuthorityLower Goulburn River Inter-Valley Transfer Assessment (2017 - 2019)
Project: Assessment and evaluation of approaches to optimising IVTs flow deliveries with least impact/greatest benefit for ecosystem functioning
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (Cottingham and Associates), VIC.Evidence Review- North East Victoria (2019)
Project: Scientific literature review of geomorphic, hydrologic, ecological and social research tailored to several key management issues in North East Victoria. Evidence was ranked in accordance to its scientific merit and locality, with final summaries used to inform future funding for management.
Client: North East Catchment Management AuthorityChannel Migration Assessment - Ovens River, Bright (2019)
Project: Consideration of several geomorphic hotspots to recommend tailored setback buffer distances to ensure future channel migrations do not impact pine plantation growth in a plantation located adjacent to an active section of the Ovens river.
Client: HVP PlantationsPhysical Form Assessment of Goulburn River banks as a result of increased Inter-Valley Trade (IVT) (2018-2019)
Project: Utilizing drone technology to monitor bank condition on the Goulburn River to determine the influence of increased IVT flow on physical form and riparian vegetation.
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (Cottingham and Associates), VIC.Opportunities for Stackey Gully in light of development, Bright, Victoria (2018)
Project: Waterway realignment options and corridor width assessments incorporating flood, stability, historical and access/recreational considerations.
Client: Alpine Shire CouncilKey performance indicators for waterway works (2018)
Project: Development of a framework for assessing performance of waterway works.
Client: Melbourne Water (Sub-consultant to GHD), VIC.Benefits of decommissioning Nicholson Dam (2018)
Project: Determining the social, ecological, geomorphic and economic benefits of the removal of an on-line, former water-supply dam
Client: Gippsland Water (Sub-consultant to Jenni Hale, Ecological Consulting), VIC.Development of Guidelines for Waterway Management (2018)
Project: Development of a decision tool for assessment and application of waterway works for the State of Queensland.
Client: Queensland, Department of Natural Resources and Mines (with Water Technology), QLD.Conceptual Design for Box Creek (2018)
Project: Development of a conceptual design for a boulder bed creek through a planned development near Wollongong.
Client: Ecoplanning, NSW.Ecosystem Processes and Functions for Long Term Water Plans (2017)
Project: Technical input to the development of strategic water plans for NSW that recognise physical and ecological linkages
Client: NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW.Investigation into the effects of channel obstructions on flooding (2017)
Project: Technical oversight and community engagement for hydraulic modelling and flood issues associated with an anabranch of the Ovens River, Myrtleford, VIC.
Client: Alpine Shire Council, VIC.Small Creek Channel and Naturalisation (2017)
Project: Geomorphic input to the inception of a plan for an urban creek naturalisation (National Landscape Award for Land Management, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects; Finalist, River Basin Management Society Awards)
Client: Ipswich City Council (Sub-consultant to Bligh Tanner), QLD.Wetland Inundation Assessment, Lower Goulburn Wetlands (2017)
Project: Assessment of the relationship between river flow and wetland inundation and values
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, VIC.Marsden Park Industrial Precinct Little Creek Catchment Alternate Stormwater Strategy (2016)
Project: Assessment of catchment and receiving waterway condition and development of recommendations and options for managing stormwater to reduce urban impacts.
Client: Blacktown City Council, Sydney, NSW.Constructed Waterways in New Developments: Design Manual (2014)
Project: Review of the Design Manual.
Client: Melbourne Water.Mid Goulburn River flow study (2014)
Project: responsible for all aspects of geomorphic assessment and analysis and the development and operation of hydraulic models for the project team.
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.Goulburn River Physical Habitat Monitoring and the effectiveness of environmental flows (2012-2014)
Project: Two consecutive projects to develop, implement and analyse a monitoring program assessing the role of environmental flows in maintaining physical habitat (hydraulics and substrate condition).
Client: Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder.Broken River Environmental Watering Plan (2013)
Project: Development of recommendations for flow management under a modified regime to minimise the impact on the ecological condition of the Broken River.
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.Lake Innes Environmental Assessment - Geomorphology, Draft for Public Exhibition (2013)
Project: Assessment of the geomorphic attributes and condition of Lake Innes, NSW, and consideration of impacts of closure on both the Lake and estuarine system
Client: Jennifer Hale, Aquatic Ecology Consultant.Lower Goulburn River (2013)
Project: Report on observations on managing water releases in light of recent bank slumping, by Peter Cottingham and Associates (Cottingham P., Vietz G., Roberts J., Graesser A., Kaye J. and Shields A.)
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.Fluvial geomorphology study of the Thomson River System (2011)
Project: Provision of expertise in geomorphic impacts of changing flow regimes and processes and assessing potential for avulsion.
Client: Melbourne Water (subcontractor to Alluvium consulting).Geomorphic assessment for 6280 Great Ocean Road, Apollo Bay (2011)
Project: Geomorphic landscape assessment report for land subject to proposed development.
Client: Beveridge Williams & Co. Pty Ltd.Discussion paper development for management of urban stream Physical Form (2010)
Project: Provision of expert geomorphic advice for the development of a strategy and discussion paper for streams under Melbourne Water's management.
Client: Melbourne Water.Guidelines for operation of River Murray System storages to examine and take account of possible effects (2010)
Project: Development of guidelines to examine and take account of any possible environmental, geomorphic, water quality and cultural heritage effects associated with exercising the MSBA's powers or functions in regard to river operations.
Client: Murray Darling Basin Authority.Environmental flow studies as an expert panel member using FLOWS method (2002-2010)
Devilbend Creek and Devilbend/ Bittern Reservoirs, Melbourne Water
Middle River (and estuary), Kangaroo Island, The Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation
Lower Mitchell River, East Gippsland CMA
Hoddles and Diamond Creek catchments, Melbourne Water
Steels, Pauls and Dixons Creeks environmental flows assessment, Melbourne Water
Painkalac Creek, Corangamite CMA
Lower Ovens river environmental flow project, North East CMA
Powlett River, West Gippsland CMA
Little Yarra and Don River Environmental Flow Assessment, Melbourne Water
Upper Yarra environmental flows assessment, Melbourne Water
Lerderderg River flow rehabilitation and operational options, Melbourne Water
Loddon River Environmental Flows Determination, North Central CMA
Monitoring to inform management of the Thompson River Environmental Water Reserve- Physical Habitat Component (VEFMAP) (2009)
Project: Identification of methods for ongoing monitoring of physical form and geomorphic processes occurring in the Thompson River.
Client: West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority.Key ecosystem functions and their environmental water requirements - for the Murray Darling Basin (2009)
Project: Responsible for the geomorphic categorisation of the Basin to take into consideration key ecosystem functions in all stream types.
Client: Murray Darling Basin Authority.Investigation and Concept Design for the Lower Yarra River Bank Treatment Renewal Strategy (2008)
Project: Identification of the form and condition of bank assets along the lower Yarra River (downstream Dights Falls) and recommendations for alternative treatments for the ongoing structural, geomorphic and environmental maintenance of the channel.
Client: Melbourne Water.Bruthen Creek stability and management, (2008)
Project: Assessment of structures, channel form and geomorphic processes occurring throughout the highly incised channel of Bruthen Creek, Corner Inlet, West Gippsland..
Client: West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority.Investigation and concept design for the Lower Yarra River Bank Treatment Renewal Strategy (2008)
Project: Identification of the form and condition of bank assets along the lower Yarra River and recommendations for alternative treatments for the ongoing structural, geomorphic and environmental maintenance of the channel.
Client: Melbourne Water.Fluvial geomorphology of the Lower Yarra River between Dights Falls and Victoria St Bridge (2008)
Project: Investigation of channel change and key geomorphic processes in the lower Yarra River to identify historic and future trajectories of channel change, with knowledge used to inform reach-scale strategic bank management.
Client: Melbourne Water.Investigation and conceptual design for the rehabilitation of Harrison Creek, Mallocoota, (2008)
Project: Scoping study and functional design of the sediment management and rehabilitation strategy for Harrison Creek and the near-pristine estuary at Mallocoota Inlet..
Client: Methodist Ladies College (MLC).Environmental water requirements for the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia (2008)
Project: Identification of geomorphic values and associated flow requirements for streams of the Mount Lofty Ranges.
Client: South Australian Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Board.Mulcra Horseshoe Lagoon watering, River Murray (2008)
Project: Investigation into options for structural works to improve the watering regime.
Client: Mallee Catchment Management Authority.Conceptual design for water management options on Wallpolla and Mulcra Islands (2008)
Project: Investigation into the impacts of altered hydraulics, hydrology and sediment regimes in the River Murray anabranches and concept designs for water management.
Client: Mallee Catchment Management Authority.Reach-scale river geomorphic character assessment method for the Murray Darling Basin to inform the Sustainable River Audit (2007-2008)
Project: Member of team developing and pilot testing a reach-scale geomorphic character (Physical form) assessment, as a component of teh Sustainable Rivers Audit.
Client: Murray Darling Basin Authority.Review of River Murray erosion control techniques (2007)
Project: Member of expert panel team reviewing the geomorphic and hydraulic effectiveness of techniques and strategies used to control bank erosion on the River Murray between Hume and Yarrawonga.
Client: Department of Natural Resources, NSW.Geomorphic investigation – Preliminary environmental and cultural assessment for Cowes East development services scheme (2007)
Project: Assessment of geomorphic values and condition of waterways and the potential impacts associated with increasing development in the catchment. Including recommendations for activities to ameliorate impacts. Report prepared in conjunction with Biosis
Client: Melbourne Water.Ongoing Management Plan for ‘The Sands’ Torquay (2004)
Project: Provision of geomorphic impact assessment for development of environmental monitoring strategy for a housing development/golf course complex constructed on sensitive Coastline, Saltmarsh and Woodland.
Client: MirvacSouth Australian stream condition assessment (2003)
Project: Development and application of a geomorphic categorisation approach for assessing baseline condition and trajectories of change in numerous catchments of South Australia. Includes GIS analysis and field inspection of geomorphic condition indicators.
Client: Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources BoardGoulburn-Broken River Health Strategy (2003)
Project: Member of technical panel responsible for identification of condition and threats relating to river stability and form to assist prioritisation and strategy development.
Client: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.Wimmera River geomorphic investigation – sediment sources, transport and fate (2001)
Project: Determination of implications resulting from geomorphic changes in the Wimmera River. Responsible for hydrologic, hydraulic and sedimentologic investigations.
Client: Wimmera Catchment Management Authority.Geomorphic study of the Upper Murray and Swampy Plain Rivers (2000)
Project: Responsible for the literature review and hydraulic modelling (HEC RAS). Included field, hydraulic and geomorphic assessments.
Client: Department of Land and Water Conservation and Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority (with Fluvial Systems Pty Ltd)